The Benefits of Using a WBENC (Women's Business Enterprise National Council)-Certified Company

Thomas Protective Service, Inc. is proud of its association with and certification from the Women's Business Enterprise National Council. WBENC certification indicates that the company is 51 percent owned, controlled, operated and managed by a woman or women. When you partner with a WBENC-certified company like Thomas Protective Service, you may experience these benefits:


Tax Incentives

The federal government affords tax incentives to those who conduct business with minority and women-owned businesses. Projects funded with federal or state grants or loans can see reduced tax liabilities when the supplier is a women-owned business. Additionally, you may experience tax incentives on a state level.

Opportunities for New Sources of Revenue

Your ROI can increase when working with a WBENC-certified company such as Thomas Protective Service. Savings in operating costs and procurement expenses can also be realized. 

A Wider Diversity of Suppliers 

WBENC-certified businesses are part of a network of companies providing goods and services that, when considered in regard to your particular situation, can help ensure that you will find the best fit for your company's specific needs.

Creative and Customized Solutions

Thomas Protective Service considers each client as having unique needs and, because we know "one size won't fit all", we are able to provide a customized service to meet your specific needs.

Recognition of Your Company's Desire to Support Diversity  

Seeking a partnership with a WBENC-certified company demonstrates your company's desire to support economic growth in local communities through working with a women-owned business.  

For more information on WBENC certification, please visit