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Ready To Join Us? If you are ready for a new, challenging opportunity and would like to experience the rewards and satisfaction of working for TPS, contact us to start the process of interviewing for a position at Thomas Protective Service, Inc. Please fill out our Work for TPS form.
To Learn More about the requirements, opportunities and rewards of working for Thomas Protective Service, Inc., please see the topics below: FAQ, Expectations of Armed Personnel and more. Employees may also view the TPS Employee Manual and Useful Information.

FAQ For Applicants
What are the responsibilities of a security officer at Thomas Protective Service, Inc.? Our security officers are employed at customer sites throughout the country to help protect property, their valuables and their employees. This is achieved through patrolling, monitoring and reporting techniques by exercising vigilance, integrity and helpfulness (our core company values). Our security officers are first class customer service experts. As the nature of our business changes, security officer job responsibilities also change to include video, computer and communication technology responsibilities.
Do I need previous security experience? No. Anyone who meets our basic application requirements is encouraged to apply. Security officer training is delivered through effective on-the-job-training and mentoring.
What are the qualifications needed to work at Thomas Protective Service, Inc.?
Our basic employment requirements for security officers include:
• Minimum age of 18 (21 years of age if applying for an armed position)
• Proof of eligibility to work in the United States
• High school diploma/GED
• A reliable means of transportation and communication
• Ability to read, write and speak the English language fluently
• Willingness to participate in our pre-employment screening process (drug screen and background checks)
Are there any standards on appearance? Our security officers are the "face" of the company and we believe that appearance reflects professionalism. While wearing our uniform, our employees are expected to maintain an acceptable personal appearance that mirrors the uniform and appearance standards in our employee handbook.
What are the work hours? Security is a 24/7 industry with 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts giving our employees the flexibility to balance work/life needs. This is important to both Thomas Protective Service, Inc. and our employees.
How is the pay? The way our industry is designed, security officer wages are determined by the contract requirements, the job duties performed and the facility to which they are assigned. There are other variables, such as state minimum wages, market and geographic pay differentials. At Thomas Protective Service, Inc., we believe that there’s more to compensation than a paycheck. While in our employment, you will have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally through on the job training and other developmental tools needed to build a successful and lucrative security career with us.
Do you help me get a security license? Security license requirements vary from state to state. Thomas Protective Service, Inc. Human Resources (HR) personnel can advise you of what requirements and/or any assistance provided to obtain any necessary guard license or registration if applicable.
Do you provide training? Thomas Protective Service, Inc. offers a wide range of training programs to help ensure our officers are knowledge leaders in the security industry. Training programs consist of mentoring, on-the-job training, classroom instruction, e-learning and a certified security supervisor training program (CSSP). If you strive to be a qualified and well-rounded security professional, we have the basic and specialized training you need to help improve your security expertise.
I’m in the Military (Reserves) and need some time off; will that be an issue? Thomas Protective Service, Inc. complies with The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). USERRA protects the job rights of individuals who voluntarily or involuntarily leave employment positions to undertake military service or certain types of service in the National Disaster Medical System.

Expected Duties and Qualities of an Armed Security Officer
• Availability Keeping their own self-interests out of the situation, the security officer must be available to provide for the security of every person they are responsible for. It is the mark of a professional when any unpleasant situation has been dealt with to the satisfaction of the client.
• Proactivity The security officer must maintain vigilance while on duty, whether during the day or (more often) at night. Unusual activities are easier to assess when the security officer’s training is backed up by constant alertness and intuitive response.
• Responsibility The officer must always think clearly and immediately, regardless of how distracting an unfamiliar situation may be, so that they may continue to be responsible for the people and property they have been entrusted to protect.
• Skills of Observation Armed security guards are not to use their weapons exept when the situation has become extreme. Firearms are only to be drawn for self-defense. An armed security officer must be able to observe any situation where there is potential for violence and to always strive to de-escalate the situation.
• Immediately Calling for Help Instead of panicking when they find themself in the unlikely situation of having no escape plan, the armed security officer must think quickly and call for immediate help from the authorities. This will help to prevent unlawful acts of violence.

Training (and Learning)
Our philosophy in developing the skills of our security personnel is actually centered on learning, not training. Training is a mechanical activity that does not assess the results associated with it. Learning is a dynamic process where information and skills are delivered to our employees in a manner that maximizes their retention and application to real, on-the-job situations. Anyone can attend training, but how much the student has learned and can apply without error is the benefit associated with a learning-centered organization. As a learning organization, Thomas Protective Service, Inc. strives for error-free and value-added performance at every service interaction and at every level of our organization.
• We have an extensive internal catalog of professional developmental courses for all levels of employees. Additionally, our training department identifies external training opportunities with Homeland Security and law enforcement to enhance professional development.
• Our superior training programs and investment in our people is a cornerstone of the exemplary services we provide to our clients.

Current TPS Employee Manual
for employees of Thomas Protective Service, Inc. Click to download a PDF copy here (password required)

Useful Links & Downloadable Information
for employees of Thomas Protective Service, Inc.
Active Assailant, Unarmed Security Officer (PDF)
The level of awareness exhibited by security personnel can have a Butterfly Effect on an active assailant's perception of risk.
Active Shooter Preparedness (link)
Possible actions to take if confronted with an active shooter scenario.
National Terrorism Advisory System
View and click the alert/link below for updates from the Department of Homeland Security.
desirable qualities
of a TPS security officer

Physical and Mental Fitness, a Professional Presentation
The ability to physically defend self and client, make logical decisions in times of stress and present yourself in a clean and professional manner.

Proper Attitude+Common Sense = Knowledge
Polite and calm, firm and assertive. Smart enough to know there's always something new to learn, which ultimately makes you better at your job.

Seeing, Listening are Reliable Traits
Clients, colleagues and the general public will rely on an honest security offier that observes and anticipates, listens and communicates.
the best personnel
deserve the best backup
Our People are our product. How we select and treat them directly impacts the services we provide. We are extremely selective in who we bring aboard and invest the time it takes to make sure they meet our highest personnel standards. We value our people and, as our employee, we want you to know that.
Our Benefits We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits plan including holiday pay, achievement awards, advancement opportunities, employee referrals and more. Image is critical in the security industry and we provide an image that is unmatched - one that you will be proud to be a part of.